CALL NO : QH308.2 B615 2019
IMPRINT : Boston, Mass. : Cengage, c2019
Solomon, Martin, Martin and Berg’s BIOLOGY–often described as the best majors’ text for learning Biology–is also a complete teaching program. The integrated, inquiry-based learning system guides students through every chapter, starting with key concepts at the beginning of each chapter and learning objectives for each section. End-of-section Checkpoint questions encourage students to review key points before moving on. A chapter summary further reinforces learning objectives, followed by an opportunity for students to test their understanding. The eleventh edition offers expanded integration of the text’s five guiding themes of Biology–the evolution of life, the transmission of biological information, the flow of energy through living systems, interactions among biological systems and the inter-relationship of structure and function. Available with MindTap Biology, the platform that gives instructors complete control of their course and powers students from memorization to mastery.
- A variety of question types support student learning. Test Your Understanding end-of-chapter questions are organized according to Bloom’s taxonomy so that students can evaluate their understanding of the material. Know and Comprehend multiple-choice questions reinforce important terms and concepts. Apply and Analyze questions challenge students to integrate their knowledge. Higher-level Evaluate and Synthesize questions encourage students to apply the concepts just learned to new situations or make connections among important concepts.
- Several types of questions tied to Key Point, Key Experiment, Checkpoint and Test Your Understanding features carry special designations to help students think like scientists and apply their knowledge. These Predict; Connect; Visualize; Evolution Link; Interpret Data; and Science, Technology and Society questions emphasize that learning is enhanced by many diverse approaches.
- Inquiring About boxes explore issues relevant to students’ lives, providing a forum for discussing topics of current interest in more detail. Hundreds of examples throughout the book demonstrate the connections between the laboratory and real life.
- The text’s successful learning system guides students through every chapter and provides them with the learning strategies needed to integrate and demonstrate mastery of biology concepts. Learning objectives begin each section and Checkpoint questions enable students to assess their level of understanding of the material at the end of the section.
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