Organic chemistry
AUTHOR Wade, Leroy G., Jr., 1947-
CALL NO QD251.3 W119o 2022
IMPRINT Upper Saddle River : Pearson, c2022
[For MU Students and Staff can request here]
Wade & Simeks Organic Chemistry focuses students on the fundamental reasoning and principlesof organic chemistry without compromising the conceptual underpinnings and clear explanations needed to prevent memorization. The authors hallmark student-oriented approach to problem-solving directs students to the individualsteps of each reaction, shows how the steps contribute to the overall reaction,and incorporates unique strategies and hints. Organized around functionalgroups, the text incorporates complete discussions of mechanisms. Thetwo-tiered approach to Mechanism and Key Mechanism Boxes concentrates on 20 KeyMechanisms that comprise nearly all of the mechanisms students will encounter.
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