E-Journals - Classified by Subject Categories

Biotechnology : เทคโนโลยีชีวภาพ

(Including Applied Microbiology / Biocontrol / Biomass)
  1. aBIOTECH (Springer : 2020-present)
  2. Animal Biotechnology (Taylor & Francis : 1997-present)
  3. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Springer : 1976-present)
  4. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer : 1975-present)
  5. BioChip Journal (Springer : 2010-present)
  6. BMC Biotechnology (PubMed Central : 2001-present)
    BMC Biotechnology (Springer : 2001-present)
  7. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (ScienceDirect : 2012-present)
  8. Biodegradation (Springer : 1990-present)
  9. Biological Control  (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  10. Biomass and Bioenergy  (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  11. Bioresource Technology (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  12. Bioresource Technology Reports (ScienceDirect : 2018-present)
  13. Biosystems Engineering  (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  14. Biotechnology Advances  (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  15. Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  16. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering (Springer : 1997-present)
  17. Biotechnology for Biofuels (PubMed Central : 2008-present) title changed to Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts
    Biotechnology for Biofuels  (Springer : 2008-present)
  18. Biotechnology Healthcare  (PubMed Central : 2004-2012)
  19. Biotechnology Letters  (Springer : 1979-present)
  20. Biotechnology Progress  (ACS : 1990-1995)
  21. Biotechnology Reports (ScienceDirect : 2014-present)
  22. Biotechnology Research and Innovation (ScienceDirect : 2017-2019)
  23. Biotechnology Techniques (Springer : 1987-1999)
  24. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology (Taylor & Francis : 1983-present)
  25. Current Opinion in Biotechnology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  26. Current Research in Biotechnology (ScienceDirect : 2019-present)
  27. Cytotechnology (Springer : 1987-present)
  28. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (EBSCO : 2008-present)
    Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (ScienceDirect : 2014-present)
  29. Enzyme and Microbial Technology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  30. Food Biotechnology (Taylor & Francis : 1997-present)
  31. Food Science and Biotechnology (Springer : 2010-present)
  32. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology (Springer : 2011-present)
  33. Journal of Biotechnology (ScienceDirect : 1984-present)
  34. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  35. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology (Springer : 2009-present)
  36. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer : 1986-2014, Issue 1-4)
  37. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Springer : 1997-present)
  38. Mammalian Genome (Springer : 1991-present)
  39. Marine Biotechnology  (Springer : 1999-present)
  40. Microbial Biotechnology  (Wiley : 2008-present)
  41. Molecular Biotechnology  (Springer : 1994-present)
  42. Nature Biotechnology (Nature : 1998-present)
  43. New Biotechnology (ScienceDirect : 2008-present)
  44. Plant Biotechnology Journal (Wiley : 2003-present)
  45. Plant Biotechnology Reports (Springer : 2007-present)
  46. Plant Journal (Wiley : 1991-2022)
  47. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology (Springer : 2002-present)
  48. Rice (SpringerOpen : 2008-present)
  49. Transgenic Research (Springer : 1991-present)
  50. Trends in Biotechnology (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  51. Vegetos (Springer : 2019-present)