MOOCs Online Courses

MUSC in MUx (Mahidol University Extension)

Right and Responsibilities in PDPA Compliance for Students

The objective of this course is to augment the comprehension and awareness of international students regarding the tenets of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) that hold significance for them. The course will cover areas such as the extent and classifications of personal data, legal foundations, pivot legal rights, privacy notification pertinent to students, and essential student rights and optimal approaches.

SCAN 101 Basic Anatomy

The basic concept of living cells, organs and systems of human body. The relationship of human structures and functions is emphasized. The human skeleton and cadavers are utilized in the laboratory study.

SCBC 203 Basic Biochemistry

Structures and functions of 4 biomolecules, carbohydrate, lipid, protein and nucleic acid; metabolic processes and regulation of metabolic pathways of 4 biomolecules; flow of genetic information and gene regulation; DNA technology; role of biomelecules in normal physiological systems with some medical applications

SCBC 618 Stem Cell and Cancer Bioscience

Frontier bioscience in stem cells and cancers; concept of regenerative medicine, advances in cancer biomarkers; in-depth knowledge of cancer signaling, tumor angiogenesis, metastasis, cancer stem cells and cancer immunology and immunotherapy

SCBI 102 Biology Laboratory I

Microscopy, cell structure and function, plant and animal tissues; cell division, genetics and natural selection, ecology, and behavior.

SCBI 115 Basic of Life

Biodiversity; comparative study of reproduction and development in animals; comparative physiology of organ system, receptor and motor system, digestive system, endocrine system, gas exchange and excretory system, circulatory system and immune system; and basic biology laboratories.

SCBI 117 Foundation of Life

Systematic classification of living organisms; reproduction and development in human and animals; comparative physiology of organ systems in human and animals, diseases and abnormalities, including nervous system, receptor and motor system, digestive system, endocrine system, gas exchange and excretory system, circulatory system and immune system; and basic biology laboratories.

SCBI 352 Microtechnique in Biology

Theory and practice of preparing plants and animals for microscopic examination; general routines of the preparation of tissue such as fixation and dehydration, sectioning with microtome and staining of sections, microanatomy and chemical composition of some tissues.

SCBT 208 Fundamental and Applied Bacteriology

Microbiological fundamentals of bacteria regarding structure and functions, nutrient, growth, death, and control, as well as the importance and the application of major groups of bac-teria; laboratory experiments on studying of bacteria by microscopes, staining, aseptic technique; preparation of media, isolation of pure culture, selection, classification and identification, culture, quantifying, and preservation of bacteria, and also safety in laboratory; collaborative thinking, ethics, IT skill, creative thinking and planning

SCCH 121 Basic Organic Chemistry

Molecular structure and general properties of organic compounds; classification and nomenclature of organic compounds with various functional groups; stereochemistry: stereoisomers and their optical activities; synthesis, reactions and identification of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons, halides or organohalogens, alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid derivatives and amines; Molecular structure and properties of biomolecules: carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.

SCMA 129 Mathematics II

Linear and matrix algebra; complex numbers and functions; functions of several variables; first-order differential equations; second-order ordinary differential equations; sequences and series

SCCH 104 General Chemistry II

Chemical thermodynamics; chemical kinetics; chemical equilibrium; ionic equilibrium; electrochemistry; gas, liquid, and solid

SCMA 161 Information Technology in Daily Life

The course introduces the importance of learning computers, the various types of computer systems and their components, the principles by which computer systems work, the practical applications of computers and related technologies and the associated risks and other potential implications of computers and related technologies.

SCMA 367 Game Theory

Matrix games; extensive forms; game trees; mixed strategies; dominating strategies; bimatrix games; normal forms; the Nash equilibrium; repeated games.

SCMA 386 Queueing Theory

Queuing models; probability distributions of interarrival times; probability distributions of service times; the single server model with the Poisson input and exponential service; the multiple server model with the Poisson input and exponential service; the birth and death process; other queuing models.

SCMA 168 Ordinary Differential Equations

Introduction to ordinary differential equations; linear first order differential equations; nonlinear first order differential equations; applications of first order equations; second order linear equations; applications of second order equations; higher order linearequations; systems of linear equations; matrices; determinants.

SCMI 206 Medical Microbiology and Parasitology

Introduction to the basic principle of immunology, microbiology and parasitology including morphology and growth of microorganisms and parasites, methods of microbial genes transfer and drug resistant genes transfer, role of microorganisms in nature, sterile techniques, pathogenicity of microorganisms and parasites, host immune responses, medically important parasites, basic laboratory tests to detect microorganisms, virus, and parasites.

SCPM 202 Basic Pharmacology

Principle of drug action; pharmacokinetics; pharmacodynamics; autonomic drugs; drugs used in cardiovascular and renal system; drugs used in central nervous system; respiratory system; gastro-intestinal system; endocrine and reproductive system; antibiotics; cancer chemotherapy; drugs used in dermatology; vitamin.

SCPS 202 Basic Physiology

Basic concepts and principles of cell functions and the functions of various organ systems in the body. These include nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and reproductive systems as well as temperature regulation; the mechanisms of the regulation of the organ system integration and adaptations in order to keep the body in a homeostatic state.

SCPY 152 General Physics II

Nature of light, polarization, reflection and refraction, images forming from reflected and refracted light, lens and optical instruments, interference and diffraction of light, special relativity, relativistic speed, relativistic momentum and energy, duality of particle and wave, particle wave mechanics by Schrodinger, examples of particle waves, wave packet and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, basic of quantum mechanics, angular momentum and spin, physics of atoms and molecules, crystalline solids and energy band theory, semi-conducting materials, LASER and MASER, NANO technology, semiconductor electronics, nature of the atomic nucleus, decay processes, nuclear models, nuclear radiations, nuclear reactions, detection of radiation and protection, nuclear applications and physics of elementary particles.

SCPY 154 Physics for Medical Science

Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Physicals Optics, Electromagnetism, Special theory of relativity, Quantum mechanics, Atomic physics, Nuclear physics, Particle physics.

SCPY 156 Physics for Health Science

Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Physicals Optics, Electromagnetism, Quantum mechanics, Atomic physics, Nuclear physics, Particle physics.

SCPY 158 Physics II

Electricity and magnetism, DC circuits, AC circuits, electromagnetic field; theory of relativity; quantum mechanics; atomic physics; nuclear physics.

SCPY 159 Elementary Physics for H.S.

Mechanics of motion and equilibrium, work and energy, elastic properties of matters, fluid mechanics and blood circulatory system, temperature, heat, gas law and respiratory system, waves and wave properties, ears and hearing, lights and vision, electricity, magnetism, electricity in human body, electronics, atoms, nuclei and nuclear medicine.

SCPY 168 Physics for applied science II

Optics, Electricity and magnetism, Quantum mechanics, Nuclear physics, Astrophysics

SCPY 169 Physics for applied science III

Mechanics of motion and equilibrium, work and energy, elastic properties of matters, fluid mechanics and blood circulatory system, temperature, heat, gas law and respiratory system, waves and wave properties, ears and hearing, lights and vision, electricity, magnetism, electricity in human body, electronics, atoms, nuclei and nuclear medicine.



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