World University Rankings

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UI GreenMetric World Universities Ranking

The UI GreenMetric World University Ranking is a ranking on green campus and environmental sustainability initiated by Universitas Indonesia in 2010. Through 39 indicators in 6 criteria, UI GreenMetric World University Rankings prudently determined the rankings by universities’ environmental commitment and initiatives.

| Website | Methodology | World Rankings |

Year 2024

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
KU 34 8825 1300 1675 1575 900 1750 1625
MU 45 ^ 8775 ^ 1200 = 1525 v 1650 ^ 900 v 1700 v 1800 ^
KMUTT 50 8750 1325 1625 1350 900 1750 1800
SUT 65 8685 1275 1725 1800 900 1375 1610
Siam Univ. 74 8650 1175 1550 1425 950 1750 1800
WU 83 8575 1400 1625 1425 900 1700 1525
MSU 100 8475 1350 1625 1350 800 1600 1750
MFU 101 8475 1300 1600 1350 850 1600 1775
UP 106 8450 1225 1675 1350 850 1650 1700
MJU 113 8415 1200 1490 1650 800 1650 1625

Label: | ^ up from past year | v down from past year | = same as past year |

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2023

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
KU 38 8775 1275 1675 1575 900 1750 1600
MU 49 8625 1200 1600 1575 950 1625 1675
KMUTT 50 8625 1275 1550 1575 800 1700 1725
SUT 65 8575 1350 1600 1650 850 1475 1650
Siam Univ. 76 8525 1175 1525 1425 900 1700 1800
WU 83 8475 1400 1550 1425 900 1700 1500
MSU 102 8335 1350 1625 1350 800 1460 1750
MFU 103 8325 1300 1675 1275 850 1550 1675
RMUTT 114 8250 1100 1550 1500 950 1550 1600
UP 131 8200 1225 1525 1350 850 1625 1625

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2022

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
KU 40 8650 1175 1675 1575 900 1600 1725
MU 46 8585 1160 1600 1575 950 1675 1625
KMUTT 63 8375 1250 1675 1425 650 1700 1675
SUT 68 8375 1325 1425 1650 850 1525 1600
MSU 101 8200 1300 1525 1275 800 1550 1750
Siam Univ. 102 8200 1125 1450 1425 850 1600 1750
WU 111 8125 1350 1475 1425 850 1650 1375
MFU 119 8060 1300 1360 1350 850 1550 1650
RMUTT 124 8025 1100 1625 1500 950 1450 1400
DPU 154 7835 960 1575 1575 750 1375 1600

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2021

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
KU 45 8225 1175 1625 1425 850 1525 1625
MU 59 8100 1175 1375 1425 950 1525 1650
SUT 75 7975 1275 1375 1425 850 1450 1600
KMUTT 83 7900 1050 1550 1425 650 1650 1575
DPU 101 7750 1150 1425 1575 650 1425 1525
Siam Univ. 103 7750 875 1300 1425 800 1600 1750
MFU 113 7700 1125 1300 1425 850 1375 1625
WU 116 7700 1225 1225 1425 850 1600 1375
MJU 121 7650 1250 1500 1200 650 1375 1675
MSU 145 7575 1200 1350 1050 750 1475 1750

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2020

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
MU 62 7875 1100 1175 1425 1000 1525 1650
KU 73 7775 1050 1475 1425 900 1350 1575
KMUTT 81 7675 900 1575 1425 650 1475 1650
DPU 82 7675 850 1525 1800 575 1350 1575
Siam Univ. 93 7575 700 1300 1500 800 1550 1725
MJU 110 7400 1350 1375 1125 725 1325 1500
CU 111 7400 525 1325 1650 625 1550 1725
SUT 115 7375 1250 1350 1125 800 1425 1425
SWU 141 7175 1100 1300 1200 750 1550 1275
RMUTT 159 7075 1100 1325 1125 750 1500 1275

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2019

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
MU 75 7350 1100 1175 1125 1000 1475 1475
KU 81 7275 1000 1150 1350 850 1350 1575
CU 84 7250 750 1350 1425 625 1400 1700
DPU 140 6475 925 1350 1050 700 1175 1275
NU 151 6425 1000 1050 1200 825 1075 1275
KMUTT 158 6350 700 1325 975 650 1275 1425
Siam Univ. 159 6350 450 1150 1350 750 1350 1300
KMUTNB 161 6350 1225 975 750 825 1450 1125
MFU 166 6300 1275 1100 900 625 1300 1100
SUT 180 6175 1250 1175 825 750 975 1200

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2018

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
MU 89 6850 1050 1175 1275 800 1225 1325
KU 90 6850 1025 1125 1200 800 1300 1400
CU 95 6750 800 1350 1425 425 1350 1400
DPU 134 6125 975 1200 1125 500 1000 1325
KMUTNB 138 6075 800 1200 1275 700 1125 975
NU 141 6075 1125 775 1200 750 1000 1225
Siam Univ. 162 5850 825 975 1275 650 1000 1125
KMUTT 169 5775 900 1075 900 575 1000 1325
MSU 181 5675 925 1000 750 450 1350 1200
MFU 206 5550 925 1125 900 700 1050 850

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2017

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
MU 86 829 1095 1302 560 1162 834 5782
CU 90 697 860 1452 620 1212 913 5754
KU 96 758 835 1251 670 1162 1030 5706
RBRU 122 911 1165 1203 526 913 754 5472
NU 143 803 972 1251 651 861 771 5309
MFU 156 899 1045 672 620 1012 982 5230
Siam Univ. 168 573 843 1224 700 1062 769 5171
KMUTNB 176 433 1051 1350 617 1063 639 5153
MJU 183 825 1192 1101 504 461 1030 5113
DPU 195 629 939 1428 690 713 633 5032

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2016

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
MU 70 5992 928 1077 1251 485 1345 906
SUT 102 5678 1301 961 798 320 731 1567
CU 109 5638 858 846 1101 470 1200 1163
NU 112 5619 1027 759 1026 525 1202 1080
KMUTT 122 5515 828 657 1149 256 1266 1359
MFU 125 5483 1118 962 798 800 673 1132
KU 136 5377 896 626 825 400 1188 1442
TU 158 5209 946 505 948 584 1076 1150
MSU 166 5162 1237 656 573 320 1016 1360
SU 173 5116 564 870 1074 577 1226 804

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2015

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
CU 30 6219 474 1425 1500 554 1132 1134
SUT 52 5888 863 1250 1275 676 986 838
KU 54 5876 745 925 1200 750 995 1261
MSU 61 5824 833 1150 1275 750 978 838
MU 71 5736 678 1200 1425 565 1009 859
TU 73 5726 638 1225 1275 520 1001 1067
MFU 77 5701 792 1250 1275 750 981 653
KMUTT 78 5686 859 1100 1275 604 1012 836
BU 95 5522 569 1339 1725 689 826 374
MJU 124 5147 762 1121 1125 750 678 711

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2014

Thai Univ. World Rank Score
(10000 Point)
Setting & Infrastructure (15%) Energy & Climate Change (21%) Waste (18%) Water (10%) Transportation (18%) Education & Research (18%)
CU 41 6630 493 1665 1500 845 1475 651
MU 72 6343 741 1455 1350 865 1375 557
MSU 75 6326 852 1565 1200 775 1275 659
SUT 77 6310 778 1430 1347 875 1300 580
KU 80 6293 720 1270 1200 875 1475 753
KMUTT 81 6285 781 1390 1200 735 1475 703
MFU 82 6281 750 1755 1275 875 1062 563
TU 92 6164 446 1385 1575 775 1375 608
BU 95 6116 581 1545 1800 660 1375 155
NU 117 5894 657 1490 1200 870 1100 577

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2013

Thai Univ. World Rank Score (10000 Point)
MU 31 6370.43
KMUTT 39 6265.13
MSU 49 6123.09
CU 50 6121.98
MFU 53 6089.18
KU 56 6032.55
TU 68 5948.31
SUT 75 5880.84
Bangkok Univ. 77 5866.32
MJU 193 4605.72

show Top 10 Institution only.

Year 2012

Thai Univ. World Rank Score (10000 Point)
MU 36 6208.39
KMUTT 38 6138.89
CU 41 6093.24
KU 44 6003.25
MSU 71 5471.71
KMUTNB 175 3867.24
BU 195 3514.10