E-Journals - Classified by Subject Categories

Statistics : สถิติ

  1. Advances in Data Analysis and Clssification (Springer : 2007-present)
  2. American Statistician (JSTOR : 1947-2019)
  3. Annals of Applied Probability, The (JSTOR : 1991-2021)
  4. Annals of Mathematical Statistics (JSTOR : 1930-1972)
  5. Annals of Probability, The (JSTOR : 1973-2021)
  6. Annals of Statistics, The (JSTOR : 1973-2021)
  7. Applied Categorical Structures (Springer : 1993-present)
  8. Applied Mathematics & Optimization (Springer : 1974-present)
  9. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (Springer : 2004-present) Formerly : Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv
  10. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  11. Biometrics (Wiley : 1999-2021)
  12. Cliometrica (Springer : 2007-present)
  13. Computational Statistics (Springer : 1999-present)
  14. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  15. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis (EBSCO : 2011-present)
  16. Empirical Economics (Springer : 1976-present)
  17. Journal of Applied Statistics (EBSCO : 1994-present, 12 Month delay)
  18. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications (Springer : 2007-present)
  19. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications (Springer : 1994-present)
  20. Journal of Electrostatics (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  21. Journal of Mathematics in Industry (Springer : 2011-present)
  22. Journal of Nonlinear Science (Springer : 1991-present)
  23. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  24. Journal of the American Statistical Association (JSTOR : 1922-2019)
  25. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (JSTOR : 1887-1947)
  26. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General) (JSTOR : 1948-1987)
  27. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society (Wiley : 1997-2021)
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society) (JSTOR : 1988-2020)
  28. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological) (JSTOR : 1948-1997)
  29. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology (Wiley : 1997-2021)
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology) (JSTOR : 1998-2020)
  30. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics (Wiley : 1997-2021)
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) (JSTOR : 1952-2020)
  31. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D: The Statistician (Wiley : 1997-2003)
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D (The Statistician) (JSTOR : 1962-2003)
  32. Journal of Theoretical Probability (Springer : 1988-present)
  33. Journal of Time Series Analysis (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  34. Lifetime Data Analysis (Springer : 1995-present)
  35. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (Springer : 1999-present)
  36. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (Springer : 1956-present)
  37. Mathematical Methods of Statistics (Springer : 2007-present)
  38. Mathematical Programming (Springer : 1971-present)
  39. Mathematics and Financial Economics (Springer : 2007-present)
  40. Metrika (Springer : 1958-present)
  41. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  42. Review of Economics and Statistics (JSTOR : 1919-2019)
  43. Significance (Wiley : 2004-2021)
  44. Statistica Neerlandica (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  45. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes (Springer : 1998-present)
  46. Statistical Methods and Applications (Springer : 1992-present)
  47. Statistical Papers (Springer : 1960-present)
  48. Statistical Science (JSTOR : 1986-2021)
  49. Statistics & Probability Letters (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  50. Statistics and Computing (Springer : 1991-present)
  51. Statistics in Medicine (Wiley : 1996-present)
  52. TOP (Springer : 1993-present)