Fulltext E-Journals: ปี 2568

Alphabetical List (A-Z)

(4,110 Scientific Journals, Last Updated: January, 2025)

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Thai Journals |

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    [ A ] (414 titles)
  1. A.M.A. Archives of Neurology (JAMA : 1959-1960)
  2. AAPS Journal, The (PMC : 2004-2016)
    AAPS Journal, The (SpringerLink : 1999-present)
  3. AAPS PharmSciTech (SpringerLink : 2000-present)
  4. AASRI Procedia (ScienceDirect : 2012-2014)
  5. Abdominal Radiology (SpringerLink : 1997-present) formerly: Abdominal Imaging
  6. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg (SpringerLink : 1997-present)
  7. Academic Physician & Scientist (OVID : 1995-2009)
  8. ACC Current Journal Review (ScienceDirect : 2005 only)
  9. Accounts of Chemical Research (ACS : 1968-present)
  10. Accreditation and Quality Assurance (Springer : 1997-present)
  11. Achievements in the Life Sciences (ScienceDirect : 2014-2016)
  12. ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) (ACM: 2005-present)
  13. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) (ACM: 2002-present)
  14. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) (ACM: 1975-present)
  15. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) (ACM: 1991-present)
  16. Acoustical Physics (Springer : 2000-present)
  17. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS : 2009-present)
  18. ACS Catalysis (ACS : 2011-present)
  19. ACS Chemical Biology (ACS : 2006-present)
  20. ACS Chemical Neuroscience (ACS : 2010-present)
  21. ACS Combinatorial Science (ACS : 1999-2020)
  22. ACS MacroLetters (ACS : 2012-present)
  23. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters (ACS : 2010-present)
  24. ACS Nano (ACS : 2007-present)
  25. ACSM'S Health & Fitness Journal (OVID : 2004-present)
  26. ACS Synthetic Biology (ACS : 2012-present)
  27. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (Springer : 1997-present)
  28. Acta Astronautica (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  29. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Oxford : 2004-2021)
    Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica
    (Wiley : 2005-2008)
  30. Acta Biochimica Polonica (Freesite : 1977-present)
  31. Acta Biomaterialia (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  32. Acta Biotheoretica (Springer : 1997-present)
  33. Acta Crystallographica Section A (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  34. Acta Crystallographica Section B (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  35. Acta Crystallographica Section C (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  36. Acta Crystallographica Section D (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  37. Acta Crystallographica Section E (Wiley : 2001-2007)
  38. Acta Crystallographica Section F (Wiley : 2005-2021)
  39. Acta Cytologica (Karger : 1998-present)
  40. Acta Ecologica Sinica (ScienceDirect : 2006-2023)
  41. Acta Genetica Sinica (ScienceDirect : 2006, continued as Journal of Genetics and Genomes)
  42. Acta Geographica (EBSCO : 1996-present)
  43. Acta Geotechnica (Springer : 2006-present)
  44. Acta Haematologica (Karger : 1948-present)
  45. Acta Haematologica Polonica (ScienceDirect : 2015-2017)
  46. Acta Histochemica (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  47. Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica (PMC : 2006-present)
  48. Acta Materialia (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  49. Acta mathematica academiae paedagogicae nyíregyháziensis (Free site)
  50. Acta Mathematica Hungarica (Springer : 1997-present)
  51. Acta Mathematica Scientia (ScienceDirect : 2005-2018)
  52. Acta Mathematica Sinica (Springer : 1985-present)
  53. Acta Mechanica (Springer : 1965-present)
    Acta Mechanica (EBSCO : 1999, 12 month delay)
  54. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) (Springer : 1997-present)
  55. Acta Mechanica Sinica (Springer : 1997-present)
  56. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica (ScienceDirect : 2006-2017)
  57. Acta Myologica (PMC : 2007-present)
  58. Acta Naturae (PMC : 2009-present)
  59. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis (Free site : 1970-present)
  60. Acta Neurochirurgica (Springer : 1997-present)
  61. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica (Wiley : 1997-present)
  62. Acta Neuropsychiatrica (Wiley : 2002-2012)
  63. Acta Neuropathologica (Springer : 1997-present)
  64. Acta Oceanologica Sinica (Springer : 2010-present)
  65. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (ScienceDirect : 2011-present)
  66. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (Wiley : 2005-2008)
  67. Acta Physica Slovaca (Free Site : 1951-2019)
  68. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (Springer : 1997-present)
  69. Acta Physiologica (Wiley : 2006-present) Formerly title as : Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
  70. Acta Physiologica Polonica (Free site : 2000-present) continued as Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
  71. Acta Polymerica (Wiley: 1998-1999)
  72. Acta Radiologica (Sage : 1997-present)
  73. Acta Theriologica (Springer : 2001-present) Currently known as : Mammal Research
  74. Acta Tropica (ScienceDirect : 1989-present)
  75. Acta Zoologica (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  76. Adsorption (Springer : 1997-present)
  77. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  78. Advanced Functional Materials (Wiley : 2001-2021) Formerly: Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics
  79. Advanced Materials (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  80. Advanced Powder Technology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  81. Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry : AABC (PMC : 2008-present)
  82. Advances in Anatomic Pathology (OVID : 1994-present)
  83. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (Springer : 1997-present)
  84. Advances in Applied Mathematics (ScienceDirect : 1980-present)
  85. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (Springer : 1997-present)
  86. Advances in Bioinformatics (Wiley : 2008-2020)
  87. Advances in Biological Regulation (ScienceDirect : 2012-present)
  88. Advances in Climate Change Research (ScienceDirect : 2010-present)
  89. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  90. Advances in Computational Mathematics (Springer : 1997-present)
  91. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (Wiley : 2008-present)
  92. Advances in Difference Equations (Springer : 2004-present)
  93. Advances in Environmental Research (ScienceDirect : 2000-2004)
  94. Advances in Enzyme Regulation (ScienceDirect : 2005-2011)
  95. Advances in High Energy Physics (EBSCO : 2008-present)
  96. Advances in Mathematics (ScienceDirect : 1961-present)
  97. Advances in Mathematical Physics (EBSCO : 2009-present)
  98. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IOP : 2010-present)
  99. Advances in Nutrition (PMC : 2010-present)
  100. Advances in Pharmacological Sciences (PMC : 2008-present)
  101. Advances in Physiology Education (APS : 1989-present)
  102. Advances in Polymer Technology (Wiley : 1996-present)
  103. Advances in Space Research (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  104. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Free site)
  105. Advances in Virology (PMC : 2009-present)
  106. Advances in Water Resources (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  107. Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin (OVID : 2000-present)
  108. Aeolian Research (ScienceDirect : 2009-present)
  109. Aequationes Mathematicae (Springer : 1997-present)
  110. Aerobiologia (Springer : 1997-present)
  111. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on (IEEE Xplore : 1965-present)
  112. Aerospace Science and Technology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  113. African Journal of Ecology (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  114. African Zoology (Taylor & Francis : 1965-present)
  115. Agricultural and Forest Entomology (Wiley : 1999-2021)
  116. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  117. Agricultural Water Management (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  118. Agriculture and Natural Resources (ScienceDirect : 2016-2018) Formerly: Kasetsart Journal : Natural Science
  119. Agroforestry Systems (Springer : 1982-present)
  120. Agronomy Research (Free site : 2003-present)
  121. Agronomy for Sustainable Development (Springer : 2007-present)
  122. AIChe Journal (Wiley : 1998-2021)
  123. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (Springer : 2008-present)
  124. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics (ScienceDirect : 2015-2019)
  125. Algal Research (ScienceDirect : 2012-present)
  126. Algebra and Logic (Springer : 1997-present)
  127. Algebra Universalis (Springer : 1997-present)
  128. Algebras and Representation Theory (Springer : 1998-present)
  129. Algorithmica (Springer : 1997-present)
  130. Algorithms for Molecular Biology (Springer : 2006-present)
  131. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Wiley : 1997-present)
  132. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Symposium Series (Wiley : 2005-2007)
  133. Alpine Botany (Springer : 2005-present)
  134. AMB Express (PMC : 2011-present)
    AMB Express (Springer : 2011-present)
  135. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment (Springer : 2010-present)
  136. American Anthropologist (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  137. American Journal of Biological Anthropology (Wiley : 1996-present) Formerly: American Journal of Physical Anthropology
  138. American Journal of Blood Research (PMC : 2011-present)
  139. American Journal of Botany (Wiley : 1997-present)
    American Journal of Botany (JSTOR : 1914-2019)
  140. American Journal of Cancer Research (PMC : 2011-present)
  141. American Journal of Epidemiology (Oxford : 1996-present)
  142. American Journal of Hematology (Wiley : 1996-present)
  143. American Journal of Human Biology (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  144. American Journal of Human Genetics (Free Site : 1997-present)
    American Journal of Human Genetics, The (ScienceDirect : 1997-present)
    American Journal of Human Genetics (PMC : 1949-present)
  145. American Journal of Mathematics (JSTOR : 1878-2019)
  146. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A (Wiley : 1996-January 2022)
  147. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics (Wiley : 1996-January 2022)
  148. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  149. American Journal of Pathology, The (PMC : 1925-present, 12 month delay)
  150. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (PMC : 2006-present)
  151. American Journal of Physics, The (AAPT - Scitation : 1993-present)
  152. American Journal of Physiology AJP - 7 titles
  153. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology (APS : 1997-2023)
  154. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism (APS : 1997-2023)
  155. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology (APS : 1997-2023)
  156. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology (APS : 1997-2023)
  157. American Journal of Physiology - Lung, Cellular and Molecular Physiology (APS : 1997-2023)
  158. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative & Comparative Physiology (APS : 1997-2023)
  159. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology (APS : 1997-2023)
  160. American Journal of Potato Research (Springer : 1996-present)
  161. American Journal of Primatology (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  162. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, The (AHTMH : 1921-present)
    American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, The (PMC : 2008-present, 12 month delay)
  163. American Mathematical Monthly (JSTOR : 1894-2021)
  164. American Scientist (JSTOR : 1942-2019)
    American Scientist (EBSCO : 1995-present)
  165. Amino Acids (Springer : 1997-present)
  166. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (PMC : 2004)
  167. Anaerobe (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  168. Analysis and Mathematical Physics (Springer : 2011-present)
  169. Analysis Mathematica (Springer : 1975-present)
  170. Analyst, The (RSC : 1876-2020)
  171. Analytica Chimica Acta (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  172. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer : 1962-present)
  173. Analytical Biochemistry (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  174. Analytical Chemistry (ACS : 1929-present)
  175. Analytical Chemistry Insights (PMC : 2006-2018)
  176. Analytical Chemistry Research (ScienceDirect : 2014-2017)
  177. Analytical Communications (RSC : 1996-1999)
  178. Analytical Methods (RSC : 2009-present)
  179. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  180. Anatomical Record, The (Wiley : 1996-present)
  181. Anatomical Science International (Wiely : 2002-2008)
    Anatomical Science International (Springer : 2002-present)
  182. Anatomical Sciences Education (Wiley : 2008-present)
  183. Anatomy & Cell Biology (PMC : 2010-present)
  184. Anatomy Research International (PMC : 2011-2018)
  185. Ancient Science of Life (PMC : 1981-2017)
  186. Angewandte Chemie (Wiley : 1997-present)
  187. Angewandte Chemie International Edition (Wiley : 1996-present)
  188. Angiogenesis (Springer : 1997-present)
  189. Animal Behaviour (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  190. Animal Biotechnology (Taylor & Francis : 1997-present, after 1 Yr.)
  191. Animal Cognition (Springer : 1998-present)
  192. Animal Conservation (Wiley : 1998-2021)
  193. Animal Feed Science and Technology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  194. Animal Genetics (Wiley : 1997-present)
  195. Animal Nutrition (ScienceDirect : 2015-present)
  196. Animal Reproduction Science (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  197. Animal Science Journal (Wiley : 2002-2021)
  198. Annalen der Physik (Wiley : 1998-2021)
  199. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non ▲Linear Analysis (ScienceDirect : 1995-2021)
  200. Annales Henri Poincare (Springer : 2000-present)
  201. Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  202. Annals of Applied Biology (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  203. Annals of Applied Probability, The (Free full-text : 1991-present)
  204. Annals of Biomedical Engineering (Springer : 1997-present)
  205. Annals of Botany (PubMed : 1995-Present with 12 month delay)
    Annals of Botany (Oxford : 1993-present)
  206. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials (BioMed Central : 2011-present)
    Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials (PMC : 2002-present)
    Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials (Springer : 2002-present)
  207. Annals of Combinatorics (Springer : 1997-present)
  208. Annals of Forest Science (Springer : 2007-2016)
  209. Annals of Human Biology (EBSCO : 1999-2023)
    Annals of Human Biology (Taylor & Francis : 1974-2022)
  210. Annals of Human Genetics (Wiley : 1997-present)
  211. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology (PMC : 2008-present)
  212. Annals of Laboratory Medicine (Free Site)
  213. Annals of Mathematical Statistics (JSTOR : 1930-1972)
  214. Annals of Mathematics, The (JSTOR : 1884-2010)
  215. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (Springer : 1997-present)
  216. Annals of Neurology (Wiley : 1977-present)
  217. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Wiley : 1897-present)
  218. Annals of Nuclear Energy (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  219. Annals of Physics (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  220. Annals of Probability, The (Free full-text : 1973-present)
  221. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (ScienceDirect : 1983-present)
  222. Annals of Science (EBSCO : 1975 - present (with a 18 Month delay))
  223. Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics (Springer : 2010-present)
  224. Annals of Statistics (JSTOR : 1973-2013)
  225. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (Wiley : 1997-2006)
  226. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Springer : 1997-present)
  227. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (EBSCO : 1997-present)
  228. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health (EBSCO : 2009-present)
  229. Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy (RSC) (1971-1984)
  230. Annual Reports Section A (Inorganic Chemistry) (RSC : 1979-2013)
  231. Annual Reports Section B (Organic Chemistry) (RSC : 1967-2013)
  232. Annual Reports Section C (Physical Chemistry) (RSC : 1979-2013)
  233. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (AR : 1963-2016)
    Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  234. Annual Review of Biochemistry (AR : 1932-2016)
    Annual Review of Biochemistry (EBSCO : 1997-2005)
  235. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering (AR : 1999-2016)
    Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering (EBSCO : 1999-2005)
  236. Annual Review of Biophysics & Biomolecular Structure (AR : 1972-2016)
    Annual Review of Biophysics & Biomolecular Structure (EBSCO : 1997-2005)
  237. Annual Review of Cell & Developmental Biology (AR : 1985-2016)
    Annual Review of Cell & Developmental Biology (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  238. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (AR : 1973-2016)
    Annual Review of Earth & Planetary Sciences (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  239. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics (AR : 1970-2016)
  240. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics (JSTOR) 1970-2002
    Annual Review of Ecology & Systematics (EBSCO : 1970-2005)
  241. Annual Review of Energy & the Environment (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  242. Annual Review of Entomology (AR : 1956-2016)
    Annual Review of Entomology (EBSCO : 1997-2005)
  243. Annual Review of Environment and Resources (AR : 1976-2016)
  244. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (AR : 1969-2016)
    Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (EBSCO : 1997-2005)
  245. Annual Review of Genetics (AR : 1967-2016)
    Annual Review of Genetics (EBSCO : 1967-2005)
  246. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics (AR : 2000-2016)
    Annual Review of Genomics & Human Genetics (EBSCO : 2000-2005)
  247. Annual Review of Immunology (AR : 1983-2016)
    Annual Review of Immunology (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  248. nnual Review of Materials Research (AR : 1971-2016)
    Annual Review of Materials Research (EBSCO : 1997-2005)
  249. Annual Review of Materials Science (EBSCO : 1997-2005)
  250. Annual Review of Microbiology (AR : 1947-2016)
    Annual Review of Microbiology (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  251. Annual Review of Neuroscience (AR : 1978-2016)
    Annual Review of Neuroscience (EBSCO : 1997-2005)
  252. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science (AR : 1952-2016)
    Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  253. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology (AR : 1961-2016)
    Annual Review of Pharmacology & Toxicology (EBSCO : 1997-2005)
  254. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry (AR : 1950-2016)
    Annual Review of Physical Chemistry (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  255. Annual Review of Physiology (AR : 1939-2016)
    Annual Review of Physiology (EBSCO : 1997-2005)
  256. Annual Review of Phytopathology (AR : 1963-2016)
    Annual Review of Phytopathology (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  257. Annual Review of Plant Biology (AR : 1950-2016)
    Annual Review of Plant Biology (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  258. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology (AR : 1950-2016)
    Annual Review of Plant Physiology & Plant Molecular Biology (EBSCO : 1996-2005)
  259. Anthropocene (ScienceDirect : 2013-present)
  260. Anti-Cancer Drugs (OVID : 2000-present)
  261. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ASM : 1972-present)
    Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (PubMed Central : 1972-present) with delay 6 month
  262. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control (Springer : 2012-present)
  263. Antimicrobic Newsletter (ScienceDirect : 1984-1993)
  264. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling (Mary Ann Libert : 1999-present)
  265. Antipode (Wiley : 1997-present)
  266. Antiviral Research (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  267. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (Springer : 1997-present)
  268. Anzeiger fur Schadlingskunde (Springer : 1997-2003) title changed to Journal of Pest Science
  269. APCBEE Procedia (ScienceDirect : 2012-2014)
  270. APEIRON Studies in Infinite Nature peer-reviewed journal of physics and astronomy (Free Site : 1987-2012)
  271. Apidologie (Springer : 2007-present)
  272. APMIS (Wiley : 1924-2015) Formerly title as : Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavica
  273. Apoptosis (Springer : 1997-present)
  274. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (Springer : 1997-present)
  275. Applications of Mathematics (Springer : 1997-present)
  276. Applied Acoustics (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  277. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ScienceDirect : 1993-present)
  278. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (HighWire-ASM : 1953-present)
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology (PMC : 1953-present) with 6 month delay
  279. Applied & Translational Genomics (ScienceDirect : 2012-present)
  280. Applied Animal Behaviour Science (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  281. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Springer : 1997-present)
  282. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology (Springer : 2000-present)
  283. Applied Catalysis A: General (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  284. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  285. Applied Categorical Structures (Springer : 1997-present)
  286. Applied Clay Science (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  287. Applied Composite Materials (Springer : 1997-present)
  288. Applied Energy (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  289. Applied Entomology And Zoology (J-Stage : 1966-2010)
    Applied Entomology and Zoology (Springer : 2011-present)
  290. Applied Geochemistry (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  291. Applied Geomatics (Springer : 2009-present)
  292. Applied Geography (ScienceDirect : 2005-persent)
  293. Applied Geophysics (Springer : 2004-present)
  294. Applied Intelligence (Springer : 1997-present)
  295. Applied Magnetic Resonance (Springer : 1997-present)
  296. Applied Materials Today (ScienceDirect : 2015-present)
  297. Applied Mathematical Finance (EBSCO : 1994-present (with 18 Month Delay))
  298. Applied Mathematical Modelling (ScienceDirect : 1976-present)
  299. Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities (Springer : 1997-present)
  300. Applied Mathematics and Computation (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  301. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Springer : 1997-present)
  302. Applied Mathematics & Optimization (Springer : 1997-present)
  303. Applied Mathematics Letters (ScienceDirect : 1988-present)
  304. Applied Microbiology (PMC : 1953-1975)
  305. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer : 1997-present)
  306. Applied Numerical Mathematics (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  307. Applied Ocean Research (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  308. Applied Organometallic Chemistry (Wiley : 1996-present)
  309. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing (Springer : 1997-present)
    Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing (EBSCO : 1996 - present (with a 12 Month delay))
  310. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics (Springer : 1997-present)
    Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics (EBSCO : 1996 - present (with a 12 Month delay))
  311. Applied Physics Express (APEX) (IOP : 2008-present)
  312. Applied Radiation and Isotopes (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  313. Applied Scientific Research (Springer : 1949-present) formerly :Applied Scientific Research
  314. Applied Scientific Research, Section B (Springer : 1950-1965)
  315. Applied Soil Ecology (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  316. Applied Solar Energy (Springer : 2007-present)
  317. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy (Springer : 2008-present)
  318. Applied Statistics (JSTOR : 1952-2012)
  319. Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on (IEEE Xplore : 1991-present)
  320. Applied Surface Science (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  321. Applied Vegetation Science (Wiley : 1998-present)
  322. Applied Water Science (Springer : 2011-present)
  323. Aquacultural Engineering (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  324. Aquaculture (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  325. Aquaculture and Fisheries (ScienceDirect : 2016-present)
  326. Aquaculture International (Springer : 1993-present)
  327. Aquaculture Nutrition (Wiley : 1997-present)
  328. Aquaculture Reports (ScienceDirect : 2015-present)
  329. Aquaculture Research (Wiley : 1997-present)
  330. Aquatic Biosystems (Springer : 2005-present)
  331. Aquatic Botany (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  332. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (Wiley : 1996-present)
  333. Aquatic Ecology (Springer : 1968-present)
  334. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management (EBSCO : 2001 - present (with a 18 Month delay))
  335. Aquatic Geochemistry (Springer : 1996-present)
  336. Aquatic Insects (Taylor & Francis : 1997-present)
  337. Aquatic Sciences (Springer : 1920-present)
  338. Aquatic Procedia (ScienceDirect : 2013-present)
  339. Aquatic Toxicology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  340. Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (ScienceDirect : 2011-present)
  341. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer : 2011-present)
  342. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (ScienceDirect : 2009-present)
  343. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer : 2008-present)
  344. Arabian Journal of Mathematics (Springer : 2012-present)
  345. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (Springer : 2009-present)
  346. Archiv der Mathematik (Springer : 1948-present)
  347. Archiv der Pharmazie (Wiley : 1998-present)
  348. Archiv fur die Gesamte Virusforschung (Springer : 1939-present) Currently known as Archives of Virology
  349. Archival Science (Springer : 2001-present)
  350. Archive for History of Exact Sciences (Springer : 1960-present)
  351. Archive for Mathematical Logic (Springer : 1950-present)
  352. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (Springer : 1957-pesent)
  353. Archive of Applied Mechanics (Ingenieur Archiv) (Springer : 1929-present)
  354. Archives of Animal Nutrition (EBSCO : 1997-present with 18 months delay)
  355. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  356. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (Springer : 1994-present)
  357. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Springer : 1973-present)
  358. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  359. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Springer : 1870-present)
  360. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology (Wiley : 1996-present)
  361. Archives of Microbiology (Springer : 1930-present)
  362. Archives of Neurology (JAMA : 1960-2012) Currently known asJAMA Neurology
  363. Archives of Oral Biology (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  364. Archives of Osteoporosis (Springer : 2006-present)
  365. Archives of Pharmacal Research (Springer : 1978-present)
  366. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  367. Archives of Toxicology (Springer : 1930-present)
  368. Archives of Virology (Springer : 1940-present)
  369. Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis (Springer : 2006-present)
  370. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (HighWire : 1981-present)
    Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology (OVID : 2002-present)
  371. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (Springer : 2010-present)
  372. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering (Wiley : 1993-present) Formerly title as : Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing
  373. Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology (ScienceDirect : 2014-present)
  374. Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wiley : 1997-present)
  375. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (ScienceDirect : 2013-present)
  376. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine (PMC : 2010-present)
  377. ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies (Mary Ann Libert : 2003-present)
  378. ASSP Magazine, IEEE (IEEE Xplore : 1984-1990)
  379. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (Springer : 2007-present)
  380. Astrobiology (Mary Ann Libert : 2001-present)
  381. Astronomische Nachrichten (Wiley : 1999-present)
  382. Astronomy and Astrophysics Review (Springer : 1989-present)
  383. Astronomy and Computing (ScienceDirect : 2013-present)
  384. Astronomy and Geophysics (Wiley : 2000-present)
  385. Astronomy Letters (Springer : 2000-present)
  386. Astronomy Reports (Springer : 2000-present)
  387. Astroparticle Physics (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  388. Astrophysical Bulletin (Springer : 2007-present)
  389. Astronomical Journal, The (IOP : 1998-present)
  390. Astrophysical Journal, The (IOP : 1995-present)
  391. Astrophysical Journal Letters, The (IOP : 1995-Present)
  392. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, The (IOP : 1996-present)
  393. Astrophysics (Springer : 1965-present)
  394. Astrophysics and Space Science (Springer : 1968-present)
  395. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics (Springer : 2009-present)
  396. Atmospheric Environment (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  397. Atmospheric Pollution Research (ScienceDirect : 2010-present)
  398. Atmospheric Research (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  399. Atmospheric Science Letters (Wiley : 2000-present)
  400. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  401. Atomic Energy (Springer : 1956-present)
  402. Auk (American Ornithologists Union) (EBSCO : 2003-2007)
  403. Austral Ecology (Wiley : 2000-present) Formerly title as : Australian Journal of Ecology
  404. Austral Entomology (Wiley : 2014-present) Formerly title as Australian Journal of Entomology (Wiley : 1962-2013)
  405. Australasian Plant Disease Notes (Springer : 2006-present)
  406. Australasian Plant Pathology (Springer : 1997-present)
  407. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics (Wiley : 1997-present)
  408. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (Wiley : 1999-2004)
  409. Australian Journal of Entomology (Wiley : 1962-2013)
  410. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research (Wiley : 1997-present)
  411. Autoimmunity Reviews (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  412. Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics (Springer : 2007-present)
  413. Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology (Wiley : 1997-present)
  414. Autonomic Neuroscience (ScienceDirect : 2005-present) Formerly known as : Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System
  415. Avian Pathology (Taylor & Francis : 1972-present)