Fulltext E-Journals: ปี 2568

Alphabetical List (A-Z)

(4,167 Scientific Journals, Last Updated: January, 2025)

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Thai Journals |

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    [ M ] (260 titles)
  1. MAbs (PMC : 2009-present)
  2. Machine Learning: Earth (IOP : 2025-)
  3. Machine Learning: Engineering (IOP : 2025-)
  4. Machine Learning: Health (IOP : 2025-)
  5. Machine Learning: Science and Technology (IOP : 2020-present)
  6. Macromolecular Bioscience (Wiley : 2001-present)
  7. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics (Wiley : 1998-2021)
  8. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (Wiley : 1998-2021)
  9. Macromolecular Rapid Communications (Wiley : 1998-2021)
  10. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering (Wiley : 2007-2021)
  11. Macromolecular Research (Springer : 2002-present)
  12. Macromolecular Symposia (Wiley : 2000-2021)
  13. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations (Wiley : 1998-2021)
  14. Macromolecules (ACS : 1968-present)
  15. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ScienceDirect : 2005-prersent)
  16. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  17. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Wiley : 1999-present)
  18. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (Springer : 1993-present)
  19. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on (IEEE Xplore : 1965-present)
  20. Mammal Review (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  21. Mammalian Genome (Springer : 1991-present)
  22. Manuscripta Mathematica (Springer : 1969-present)
  23. Mapan (Springer : 2009-present)
  24. Marine Biodiversity (Springer : 1998-present)
  25. Marine Biology (Springer : 1967-present)
  26. Marine Biotechnology (Springer : 1999-present)
  27. Marine Chemistry (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  28. Marine Drugs (PubMed Central : 2003-present)
  29. Marine Ecology (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  30. Marine Environmental Research (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  31. Marine Fisheries Review (EBSCO : 1990-2021)
  32. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology (EBSCO : 2002-present with 15 month delay)
  33. Marine Genomics (ScienceDirect : 2008-present)
  34. Marine Geology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  35. Marine Geophysical Research (Springer : 1970-present)
  36. Marine Mammal Science (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  37. Marine Micropaleontology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  38. Marine and Petroleum Geology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  39. Marine Policy (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  40. Marine Pollution Bulletin (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  41. Marine Structures (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  42. Maritime Studies (Springer : 2012-present)
  43. Marketing Letters (Springer : 1989-present)
  44. Mass Spectrometry Reviews (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  45. Materials Advances (RSC : 2020-present)
  46. Materials and Corrosion (Wiley : 1998-2021)
  47. Materials Physics and Mechanics (Free Site : 2000-2020)
  48. Materials & Design (ScienceDirect : 2005-2015)
  49. Materials and Structures (Springer : 1968-present)
  50. Materials Characterization (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  51. Materials Chemistry and Physics (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  52. Materials Chemistry Frontiers (RSC : 2017-present)
  53. Materials for Quantum Technology (IOP : 2021-present)
  54. Materials Futures (IOP : 2022-present)
  55. Materials Letters (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  56. Materials Research Bulletin (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  57. Materials Research Express (IOP : 2014-present)
  58. Materials Science (Springer : 1966-present)
  59. Materials Science and Engineering A (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  60. Materials Science and Engineering B (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  61. Materials Science and Engineering C (ScienceDirect : 2005-2022)
  62. Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  63. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  64. Materials Today (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  65. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik (Wiley : 1999-2021)
  66. Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ScienceDirect : 1988-2013)
  67. Mathematical Biosciences (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  68. Mathematical Finance (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  69. Mathematical Geosciences (Springer : 2008-present)
  70. Mathematical Intelligencer, The (Springer : 1997-present)
  71. Mathematical Logic Quarterly (Wiley : 2000-2021)
  72. Mathematical Medicine and Biology - A Journal of the IMA (Oxford Journals : 1996-present)
  73. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  74. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (Springer : 1956-present)
  75. Mathematical Methods of Statistics (Springer : 2007-present)
  76. Mathematical Modelling (ScienceDirect : 1980-1987)
  77. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations (Springer : 2009-present)
  78. Mathematical Notes (Springer : 1967-present)
  79. Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal (Free Site : 2004-2009)
  80. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry (Springer : 1998-present)
  81. Mathematical Programming (Springer : 1971-present)
  82. Mathematical Programming Computation (Springer : 2009-present)
  83. Mathematical Social Sciences (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  84. Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation (JSTOR : 1943-1959)
  85. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  86. Mathematics and Financial Economics (Springer : 2007-present)
  87. Mathematics in Computer Science (Springer : 2007-present)
  88. Mathematics Magazine (JSTOR : 1947-2021)
  89. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (SAGE : 1999-present)
  90. Mathematics of Computation (JSTOR : 1960-2019)
  91. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (Springer : 1988-present)
  92. Mathematische Annalen (Springer : 1869-present)
  93. Mathematische Nachrichten (Wiley : 2000-2021)
  94. Mathematische Zeitschrift (Springer : 1918-present)
  95. Matrix Biology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  96. mBio (PMC : 2010-present)
  97. Measurement (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  98. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (SAGE : 2011-2016)
  99. Measurement Science and Technology (IOP : 1990-2021)
  100. Measurement Techniques (Springer : 1958-present)
  101. Mechanics of Cohesive-frictional Materials (Wiley : 1996-2000)
  102. Mechanics of Materials (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  103. Mechanics of Solids (Springer : 2007-present)
  104. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials (Springer : 1997-present)
  105. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  106. Mechanisms of Development (ScienceDirect : 1990-present)
  107. MedChemComm (RSC : 2010-present) Title changed to : RSC Medicine Chemistry
  108. Medical Engineering & Physics (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  109. Medical Gas Research (PubMed Central : 2011-present)
  110. Medical Immunology (PubMed Central : 2002-2006)
  111. Medical Microbiology and Immunology (Springer : 1886-present) Formerly: Zeitschrift für Hygiene
  112. Medical Molecular Morphology (Springer : 1993-present) Formerly: Medical Electron Microscopy
  113. Medical Mycology (Oxford : 1996-present)
  114. Medical Mycology Journal (EBSCO : 2011-present)
    Medical Mycology Journal (Free site)
  115. Medical Mycology Case Reports (ScienceDirect : 2012-present)
  116. Medical Physics (Wiley : 1997-present)
  117. Medicinal Chemistry Research (Springer : 2004-present)
  118. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (OVID : 1996-present)
  119. Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases (PMC : 2009-present)
  120. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics (Springer : 2004-present)
  121. Metabolic Brain Disease (Springer : 1986-present)
  122. Metabolic Engineering (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  123. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders (Mary Ann Liebert : 2003-present)
  124. Metabolism (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  125. Metabolomics (Springer : 2005-present)
  126. Metal-Based Drugs (PubMed Central : 1994-2011)
  127. Metal Finishing (ScienceDirect : 2005-2013)
  128. Metal Powder Report (ScienceDirect : 2005-2021)
  129. Metal Science and Heat Treatment (Springer : 1959-present)
  130. Metallomics (RSC : 2009-2020)
  131. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (Springer : 1975-present)
  132. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B (Springer : 1970-present)
  133. Metallurgist (Springer : 1957-present)
  134. Metals and Materials International (Springer : 1995-present)
  135. Metamaterials (ScienceDirect : 2007-2012)
  136. Metascience (Springer : 1996-present)
  137. Meteoritics & Planetary Science (Wiley : 1997-2021)
  138. Meteorological Applications (Wiley : 1997-present)
  139. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (Springer : 1948-present)
  140. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (Springer : 1999-present)
  141. Methods (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  142. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence (IOP : 2013-present)
  143. Metrika (Springer : 1958-present)
  144. Metrologia (IOP : 1965-present)
  145. Microbes and Infection (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  146. Microbial Cell Factories (PubMed Central : 2002-present)
    Microbial Cell Factories (BioMed Central : 2002-present)
  147. Microbial Drug Resistance (Mary Ann Liebert : 1995-present)
  148. Microbial Ecology (Springer : 1974-present)
  149. Microbial Informatics and Experimentation (PMC : 2011-2014)
  150. Microbial Pathogenesis (ScienceDirect : 1986-present)
  151. Microbiological Research (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  152. Microbiological Reviews (PubMed Central : 1978-1996)
  153. Microbiology (Springer : 2000-present)
  154. Microbiology and Immunology (Wiley : 1977-present)
    Formerly: Japanese Journal of Microbiology (Wiley : 1957-1976)
  155. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews (ASM : 1937-present)
    Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews (PubMed Central : 1997-present with 12 months delay)
  156. Microchemical Journal (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  157. Microchimica Acta (Springer : 1937-present)
  158. Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of (IEEE Xplore : 1992-present)
  159. Micron (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  160. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  161. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley : 1996-2021)
  162. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on (IEEE Xplore : 1963-present)
  163. Mikrochemie (Springer : 1923-1938)
  164. Milan Journal of Mathematics (Springer : 1927-present)
  165. Mine Water and the Environment (Springer : 1982-present)
  166. Mineralium Deposita (Springer : 1966-present)
  167. Mineralogy and Petrology (Springer : 1948-present)
  168. Minerva (Springer : 1962-present)
  169. Mining Science and Technology (China) (ScienceDirect : 2009-2011)
  170. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (Springer : 1996-present)
  171. Mitochondrial DNA Part A (Taylor & Francis : 1990-present)
  172. Mitochondrion (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  173. Mobile DNA (PubMed Central : 2010-present)
    Mobile DNA (Springer : 2010-present)
  174. Mobile Genetic Elements (Taylor & Francis : 2011-2017)
  175. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (IOP : 1992-present)
  176. Modern Pathology (ProQuest : 2000-present with 12 months delay)
  177. MolBank (Free site - Open Access Journal)
  178. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology (ScienceDirect : 1980-present)
  179. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (Springer : 1973-present)
  180. Molecular and Cellular Biology (PubMed Central : 1981-present with 6 month delay)
  181. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  182. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  183. Molecular and Cellular Probes (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  184. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : MCP (PubMed Central : 2008-present, 12 month delay)
  185. Molecular & Cellular Toxicology (Springer : 2010-present)
  186. Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology (Springer : 1983-1996)
  187. Molecular Genetics and Genomics (Springer : 1908-present) Formerly: Molecular and General Genetics MGG
  188. Molecular Aspects of Medicine (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  189. Molecular Autism (Springer : 2010-present)
  190. Molecular Biology (Springer : 2000-present)
  191. Molecular Biology and Evolution (Oxford Journals : 1983-present)
  192. Molecular Biology of the Cell (HighWire : 1989-present)
    Molecular Biology of the Cell (PubMed Central : 1992-present with 3 month delay)
  193. Molecular Biology International (PMC : 2010-2016)
  194. Molecular Biology Reports (Springer : 1973-present)
  195. Molecular Biosystems (RSC : 2005-2017)
  196. Molecular Biotechnology (Springer : 1994-present)
  197. Molecular Brain (PubMed Central : 2008-present)
    Molecular Brain (Springer : 2008-present)
  198. Molecular Brain Research (ScienceDirect : 1995-2005)
  199. Molecular Breeding (Springer : 1995-present)
  200. Molecular Cancer (PubMed Central : 2002-present)
    Molecular Cancer (BioMed Central : 2002-present)
  201. Molecular Carcinogenesis (Wiley : 1996-present)
  202. Molecular Cell (ScienceDirect : 1997- present)
  203. Molecular Cytogenetics (PubMed Central : 2008-present)
    Molecular Cytogenetics (BioMed Central : 2008-present)
  204. Molecular Diversity (Springer : 1995-present)
  205. Molecular Ecology (Wiley : 1997-present)
  206. Molecular Ecology Resources (Wiley : 2008-present)
    Formerly : Molecular Ecology Notes (Wiley : 2001-2007)
  207. Molecular Endocrinology (Oxford : 1987-2016)
  208. Molecular Genetics and Genomics MGG (Springer : 1908-present)
  209. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  210. Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology (Springer : 2007-present)
  211. Molecular Imaging and Biology (Springer : 2005-present)
  212. Molecular Immunology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  213. Molecular Informatics (Wiley : 2010-2021)
  214. Molecular Interventions (CLOCKSS : 2001-2011)
  215. Molecular Microbiology (Wiley : 1997-present)
  216. Molecular Neurobiology (Springer : 1987-present)
  217. Molecular Neurodegeneration (PubMed Central : 2006-present)
    Molecular Neurodegeneration (Springer : 2006-present)
  218. Molecular Oral Microbiology (Wiley : 1986-present) Formerly: Oral Microbiology and Immunology
  219. Molecular Pathology (BMJ Journals : 1995-2003)
  220. Molecular Pharmaceutics (ACS : 2004-present)
  221. Molecular Pharmacology (ASPET : 2011-present)
  222. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  223. Molecular Plant (ScienceDirect : 2008-present)
  224. Molecular Plant Pathology (Wiley : 2000-present)
  225. Molecular Systems Biology (PubMed Central : 2005-present)
  226. Molecules (Free site)
  227. Monatshefte für Chemie / Chemical Monthly (Springer : 1880-present)
  228. Monatshefte für Mathematik (Springer : 1890-present)
  229. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Wiley : 1998-2012)
  230. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters (Wiley : 2005-2012)
  231. Morphology (Springer : 2006-present)
  232. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin (Springer : 2007-present)
  233. Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin (Springer : 2007-present)
  234. Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (Springer : 2007-present)
  235. Moscow University Geology Bulletin (Springer : 2007-present)
  236. Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin (Springer : 2007-present)
  237. Moscow University Physics Bulletin (Springer : 2007-present)
  238. Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin (Springer : 2007-present)
  239. MPEJ: Mathematical physics electronic journal (Free site)
  240. Mucosal Immunology (ScienceDirect : 2008-present)
  241. Multifunctional Materials (IOP : 2018-2022)
  242. Multiple Sclerosis International (PubMed Central : 2010-present)
  243. Muscle & Nerve (Wiley : 1996-present)
  244. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice (ScienceDirect : 2017-present) Formerly : Manual Therapy (ScienceDirect : 2005-2516)
  245. Mutagenesis (Oxford : 1996-present)
  246. Mutation Research / Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects (ScienceDirect : 1995-1996)
  247. Mutation Research / Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  248. Mutation Research / Genetic Toxicology (ScienceDirect : 1995-1996)
  249. Mutation Research / Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis (ScienceDirect : 1997-present)
  250. Mutation Research / Reviews in Mutation Research (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  251. Mutation Research Letters (ScienceDirect : 1995 only)
  252. Mycobiology (PubMed Central : 2005-present)
  253. Mycological Progress (Springer : 2002-present)
  254. Mycological Research (ScienceDirect : 1995-2009)
  255. Mycologist (ScienceDirect : 2005-2006)
  256. Mycopathologia (Springer : 1938-present)
  257. Mycorrhiza (Springer : 1991-present)
  258. Mycoscience (Springer : 1994-1996)
  259. Mycoses (Wiley : 1995-present)
  260. Mycotoxin Research (Springer : 1997-present)