Fulltext E-Journals: ปี 2568

Alphabetical List (A-Z)

(4,110 Scientific Journals, Last Updated: January, 2025)

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Thai Journals |

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    [ G ] (105 titles)
  1. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics (PMC : 2011-present)
  2. GAMM-Mitteilungen (Wiley : 2004-present)
  3. GCB Bioenergy (Wiley : 2009-present)
  4. GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics (Springer : 2010-present)
  5. Gene (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  6. Gene Analysis Techniques (ScienceDirect : 1984-1990)
  7. Gene Expression Patterns (ScienceDirect : 2001-present)
  8. Gene Reports (ScienceDirect : 2015-present)
  9. General Anthropology (Wiley : 1997-present)
  10. General and Comparative Endocrinology (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  11. General Relativity and Gravitation (Springer : 1970-present)
  12. Gene Regulation and Systems Biology (PubMed Central : 2007-present)
  13. Genes, Brain and Behavior (Wiley : 2002-present)
  14. Genes & Cancer (SAGE : 2010-present)
  15. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer (Wiley : 1996-present)
  16. Genes & Development (PubMed Central : 1997-present with 6 months delay)
  17. Genes & Genomics (Springer : 2009-present)
  18. Genes & Nutrition (Springer : 2008-present)
    Genes & Nutrition (PubMed Central : 2006-present)
  19. Genes to Cells (Wiley : 1996-present)
  20. Genesis (Wiley : 2000-present)
  21. Genetic Epidemiology (Wiley : 1996-present)
  22. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (Springer : 2000-present)
  23. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (Springer : 1953-present)
  24. Genetic Vaccines and Therapy (PMC : 2003-2012)
    Genetic Vaccines and Therapy (Springer : 2003-2012)
  25. Genetica (Springer : 1919-present)
  26. Genetics (PubMed Central : 1916-present with 12 month delay)
  27. Genetics in Medicine (OVID : 2005-2011)
  28. Genetics and Molecular Biology (PMC : 2009-present)
  29. Genetics Research International (PMC : 2011-present)
  30. Genetics Selection, Evolution : GSE (PubMed Central : 1989-present)
    Genetics Selection Evolution (Springer : 1969-present)
  31. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers (Mary Ann Liebert : 1997-present)
  32. Genome (EBSCO : 2002-back issue 12 months)
  33. Genome Biology (PubMed Central : 2000-present)
    Genome Biology (Springer : 2000-present)
  34. Genome Biology and Evolution (PubMed Central : 2009-present)
  35. Genome Integrity (Springer : 2010-2014)
  36. Genomic Medicine (PMC : 2007-2008) Currently title as The HUGO Journal (PMC : 2009-present)
  37. Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Sciences (ScienceDirect : 2011-2012)
    Continued as Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine (ScienceDirect : 2013-present)
  38. Genome Medicine (PubMed Central : 2009-present)
  39. Genome Research (PubMed Central : 1997-present with 6 months delay)
  40. Genomics (ScienceDirect : 1995-present)
  41. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (ScienceDirect : 2006-present)
  42. Geoarchaeology (Wiley : 1996-present)
  43. Geobiology (Wiley : 2003-present)
  44. Geobios (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  45. Geochemical Transactions (PubMed Central : 2001-present)
    Geochemical Transactions (Springer : 2000-present)
  46. Geochemistry International (Springer : 2006-present)
  47. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  48. Geoderma (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  49. Geoderma Regional (ScienceDirect : 2014-present)
  50. Geofluids (Wiley : 2001-present)
  51. Geoforum (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  52. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography (Wiley : 1997-present)
  53. Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography (Wiley : 1997-present)
  54. Geographical Analysis (Wiley : 1969-present)
  55. Geographical Journal, The (Wiley : 2000-presentl)
  56. Geographical Research (Wiley : 2005-present) formerly title as Australian Geographical Studies (Springer : 1997-2004)
  57. Geographical Review (Wiley : 1997-present)
  58. Geoheritage (Springer : 2009-present)
  59. GeoInformatica (Springer : 1997-present)
  60. Geological Journal (Wiley : 1996-present)
  61. Geologische Rundschau (Springer : 1974-1999) Currently title as International Journal of Earth Sciences (Springer : 2000-present)
  62. GeoJournal (Springer : 1977-present)
  63. Geology of Ore Deposits (Springer : 2006-present)
  64. Geology Today (Wiley : 1997-present)
  65. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (Springer : 2006-present)
  66. Geo-Marine Letters (Springer : 1981-present)
  67. Geomechanics and Tunnelling (Wiley : 2008-present)
  68. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment (ScienceDirect : 2015-present)
  69. Geometriae Dedicata (Springer : 1973-present)
  70. Geometric and Functional Analysis (Springer : 1991-present)
  71. Geomorphology (ScienceDirect : 2005-prersent)
  72. Geophysical Journal International (Wiley : 1997-2012)
  73. Geophysical Prospecting (Wiley : 1997-present)
  74. GeoResJ (ScienceDirect : 2014-present)
  75. Georgian Mathematical Journal (Springer : 1994-1996)
  76. Geoscience Frontiers (ScienceDirect : 2010-present)
  77. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on (IEEE Xplore : 1980-present)
  78. Geosciences Journal (Springer : 1997-present)
  79. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research (Wiley : 1997-present)
  80. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (Springer : 1983-present)
  81. Geotectonics (Springer : 2006-present)
  82. Geotextiles and Geomembranes (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  83. Geothermics (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  84. Glass Physics and Chemistry (Springer : 2000-present)
  85. Glia (Wiley : 1996-present)
  86. Global and Planetary Change (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  87. Global Change Biology (Wiley : 1997-present)
  88. Global Ecology and Biogeography (Wiley : 1998-present)
  89. Global Environmental Change (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  90. Glycobiology (Oxford : 1996-present)
  91. Glycoconjugate Journal (Springer : 1984-present)
  92. Gold Bulletin (Springer : 1971-present)
  93. Gondwana Research (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)
  94. GPS Solutions (Springer : 1998-present)
  95. Granular Matter (Springer : 1998-present)
  96. Graphs and Combinatorics (Springer : 1985-present)
  97. Grass and Forage Science (Wiley : 1997-present)
  98. Grassland Science (Wiley : 2005-present)
  99. Gravitation and Cosmology (Springer : 2008-present)
  100. Green Chemistry (RSC : 1999-prresent)
  101. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology (Wiley : 2011-2012)
  102. Ground Water (Wiley : 1997-present)
  103. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation (Wiley : 1997-present)
  104. Groundwater for Sustainable Development (ScienceDirect : 2015-present)
  105. Growth Hormone & IGF Research (ScienceDirect : 2005-present)